Update: Expanded status sharing and vendor notifications — Mercury Network

Update: Expanded status sharing and vendor notifications

This update adds new status sharing for VMP XSites as well as helpful changes to appraiser notifications. Read about key changes below and see the release notes here.

New status notifications for clients

Based on feedback we heard from VMP XSite users, you can now automatically notify your client if an order’s Rush or Complex setting is changed. This should help reduce time-consuming manual notifications.

Expanded info for vendors' notifications

We're always looking for ways to reduce the amount of time you spend managing appraiser payments. One improved way we're doing this is to add the the payment date and the reference number (which is usually the check number) to the notifications sent to appraisers when the order is marked as paid. Hopefully this reduces questions and saves your team some time.

We always like to hear what you think of the improvements or your ideas to make Mercury better, so let us know at info@mercuryvmp.com.

