Appraisers: New products just added so update your profile — Mercury Network

Appraisers: New products just added so update your profile

We've just added five new valuation products requested by lenders and AMCs.  If you cover these products, click on "Users" to update your Products tab (with your fees) so you're eligible to receive these orders. Click here for instructions on updating your profile.

  • Single Family FHA Investment w/Operating Income Statement (1004 and 216)
  • Valuation Risk Analysis (VRA)  (For more info, click here.)
  • Co-op Investment (2090, 1007, and 216)
  • Co-op Investment w/Comparable Rent Schedule (2090 and 1007)
  • Co-op Investment w/Operating Income Statement (2090 and 216)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your Client Relations team.  Just click "Contact Support" in Mercury Network, email or call 1-888-794-0455.