This update introduces several new items related to your appraisers' supervisor status and the trainees in their profile. Read on to see how it works, and check out the release notes here.
New selection settings
The new criteria in Vendor Selection Settings
We heard from many of you who want to use supervisory appraisers exclusively or preferentially. With this in mind, you can now check Use supervisor in your Vendor Selection Settings to prefer or require orders be assigned to an appraiser who has added trainees to their profile.
Trainee information in Order Details
The trainee appears in Order Details
This release gives appraisers the ability to indicate when a trainee is working on an order. If you're using the new selection setting to assign orders to supervisors and your appraiser has added a trainee to an order, you will see an additional field in Order Details which shows the assigned trainee's name, as well as an Order Changed event in the History when a trainee is added or removed.
New items in Fee Panel
In your fee panel (and anywhere else you see the vendor profile icon) a supervisor appraiser will be indicated by a blue icon, and staff supervisor appraiser will have a blue outlined profile icon.
Trainees and documents in the vendor's profile
When viewing an appraiser's profile, there are several items to look for related to a supervisor and their trainees. In the Contact vendor section a supervisor will list the number of trainees, which is clickable to see details such as name and license information. The Vendor's attachments may contain the new Supervisor document and any documents the supervisor has uploaded for the trainees. In the Notes tab, you'll see entries when a supervisor adds or removes a trainee in the profile.
Supervisor and trainee documents
If you've enabled document review, the supervisor's and trainee's documents will be available to review just like any other document. As you might expect, missing or unreviewed documents will affect assignment if you've enabled the Reviewed documents selection setting.
We had a lot of fun creating this feature based on what you told us you needed, and we'd love to hear what you think! Let us know at