Appraisal Scope Solutions Update
November 9, 2023
This Appraisal Scope update contains issue resolutions, performance improvements and integration enhancements.
Connexions Integration
We improved the Connexions/InHouse integration for staff users who update client fees using the inline edit or Dashboard right-click options. Sometimes, editing the client fee would not save and required the staff user to edit the value using the multi-edit option within the Order Details page.
The Connexions integration log history will retain the previous ninety days of data to improve performance. This aligns its logging record with other Appraisal Scope integrations.
Mercury Network Integration
The Enforce Modification Request workflow preferred by some Mercury Network clients requires an AMC to request all client fees, due dates, and product changes to be sent as events in place of messages. We fixed an issue that caused the appraiser fee to display the previous value to a staff user when changing the Appraisal Scope jobtype and the appraiser fee within the modification request modal. As we advance, any accepted changes a staff user makes to the jobtype and the appraiser fee will update automatically.
When appraisers register on a platform, their profile is placed into the Pending queue. We made improvements when managing Pending appraiser profiles, specifically when the profile is not approved. If the staff user declines the pending appraiser, the appraiser profile will be displayed in the Disabled tab. This change will allow a staff user to approve the appraiser later while retaining all documentation provided by the appraiser (e.g., license document).
We improved the appraiser experience for pending appraisers who were declined panel approval. An appraiser whom the panel has not yet approved will be provided the standard prompt if attempting to sign into the platform.
When the inspection scheduled date and time are set by an appraiser, the time zone could appear with an offset display within the Notification Log. We made changes to ensure a time zone is displayed in place of the offset time.
One of our goals is to continue improving the reliability and performance of the platform. To support that goal, we continued our work to optimize Appraisal Scope job services.